The plastic decking is maintenance-free. Any dirt can be removed with a damp cloth.
Product codeECL0XXXXXXX
Availability Choose option, please
Bookable bottom lines yes
type of doors Elvira
Glass door no
material door plastic
Maximum width of the door do 250
Maximum height of the door do 220
optional extras select_attribute
Paint the door to peace Choose option, please
ELVIRA tailor - w. X in. select_attribute
The plastic decking is maintenance-free. Any dirt can be removed with a damp cloth.
The unique ribbing system ensures high strength of the new HOPA plastic decking. The warranty is 10 years.
It can be used anywhere, i.e. even in dusty and damp areas.
The weight of one board is about 185g. The deck has a tongue-and-groove system = easy and quick installation